IV Therapy Drips Near Saratoga
Every cell in the body needs certain nutrients to survive and perform. IV drip therapy can deliver hydration, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients directly to the blood to nourish all the cells, tissues and organs in the body. NexGen Health offers wellness services, nutrient testing and IV therapy drips near Saratoga at our clinic in San Jose, CA.
Many people do not get all the nutrients and hydration they need from the food and beverages they eat and drink. Digestive issues and certain health problems can impact absorption of nutrients and lead to deficiencies. Poor nutrition and other factors can also affect nutrient levels in the body. IV drip therapy bypasses the digestive process to quickly deliver the vitamins, amino acids and other necessary nutrients to the body. We offer IV therapy drips that can address many wellness and health issues, including:
- Weakened immune system
- Chronic infections
- Chronic pain
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Addiction to drug or alcohol
- Hangovers
- Aging
If you want to look and feel better, IV drips may be a solution. Most of our IV fusion therapies can be performed in about 30-45 minutes at our clinic near Saratoga.
Nutrient and Genetic Testing
To determine the best IV drip therapy, we offer nutrient deficiency testing for our patients. We use lab tests to identify any nutrient imbalances to create the right treatment plan for our patients. Our clinic also provides genetic testing as well as other health services like ozone therapy program.
If you live in Saratoga, CA, and want to learn more about our IV drip therapy for better health and wellness, contact us at NexGen Health. We can schedule your first treatment, testing or consultation at our clinic in San Jose, CA, in Silicon Valley.