Have you been struggling with constant anxiety, chronic fatigue or muscle aches? You may have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a crucial factor in over 300 enzyme systems in the body to maintain overall good health. If your body does not get the proper nutrients it needs, disease and distress can develop, shortening your lifespan. Magnesium ensures proper muscle and nerve functioning, along with supporting your immune system.

Magnesium IV therapy is used to treat a comprehensive range of medical conditions such as migraines, muscle spasms, asthma and anxiety to boost overall health. Magnesium can also assist with boosting protein and energy levels and supporting bone strength. Intravenous treatment may help prevent and manage heart disease and diabetes. Minor deficiencies in magnesium levels can cause nausea, fatigue and loss of appetite. Severe deficiencies can result in tingling, numbness, muscle cramps and abnormal heart rhythms.

Why You Should Choose Magnesium IV Therapy

Even with a healthy diet, many people do not consume the proper amounts of magnesium. Most of the food you eat is grown in soil depleted of minerals from modern farming techniques. Over-the-counter and prescription medications can decrease your ability to absorb magnesium through oral supplements. Drinking soda can also inhibit your body from absorbing magnesium through your food intake. Magnesium IV therapy bypasses your digestive system to funnel it quickly to where you need it the most.

Magnesium IV therapy delivers the right amount of this essential mineral directly into your bloodstream to speed up muscle recovery and boost overall health. This allows for greater absorbency of the nutrient than other treatment methods. Therefore, intravenous treatment is ideal for individuals who have stomach issues or trouble swallowing pills. You may feel more relaxed during treatment, as the mineral eases tension in the muscles and calms the nervous system. To see if magnesium therapy is right for you, schedule a consultation with NextGen Health in San Jose today.

Contact NexGen Health today to schedule your appointment.

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